Well You could have been anything that you want to You know you could have been a candle You know you could have been a handle You know you could have been a broom You know you could have been some perfume You know you could have been a flower You know you could have been a cuckoo You know you could have been a schoolbook You know you should have been some money You know you should have been some honey Well You could have been anything that you want to The way you do the things you do
oooooooh O Me-O My-O What are you going to do o? O Me-O My-O What are you going to do o? o ow wow oooooooh O Me-O My-O What are you going to do o? oooooooh o ow wow
Remember: You got that will
Let the string out Pump that thing Take it around the world And now, a little bit of that cool jerk Jerk it Wind it up tight Don't let it go Once again, friends, just jerk Let sit real easy Rest it down Now, get ready to sock it Get down, because here comes the jerk The jerk is coming Sock it Sock it with a little jerk Stretch the thing Stretch it way out Nice and Easy Set it on out there Pump it! Pump it! Hey everybody! Get down with this new thing that's everything
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